When you subscribe to Breathwrk Pro, you get access to unlimited Breathwrk exercises, classes, breath holds and more. It's the best way to unlock the power of your breath.
The Breathwrk App features over 50 unique breathing exercises across 5 distinct use-case categories. The app features short prescriptve combinations of timed inhales, exhales, and holds, paired with music, haptics and education.
The Calming Breath is a technique in the Breathwrk app that helps manage stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation. Users feel more centered and at ease after just a few minutes of practice.
Improve your athletic performance with Breathwrk's exercises. Proper breath training can improve endurance by increasing oxygen uptake. Try nasal breathing and intermittent hypoxic training to improve aerobic capacity and performance.
Try Breathwrk's energizing breathing exercises to increase focus and wakefulness. High-frequency breathing can activate the sympathetic nervous system and improve attention, providing a boost of energy to your day.
Sleep practices use an elongated exhale or humming to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and improve sleep by suppressing vagal activity. Try these techniques with Breathwrk's Sleep Breath.